Reon tigers

A Grand Opening Ceremony Dhaka Women’s First Division Cricket League.

Date: February 08, 2024

Dhaka, Bangladesh

The much-anticipated Dhaka Women’s First Division Cricket League kicked off in grandeur today with a spectacular opening ceremony that left cricket enthusiasts and dignitaries alike in awe. where the air was filled with excitement and the promise of thrilling cricket battles.

Distinguished guests and officials from the Bangladesh Cricket Board graced the occasion, including prominent personalities from the world of sports and entertainment. women’s cricket and emphasized the importance of providing a platform for aspiring female cricketers to showcase their talent.

The Dhaka Women’s First Division Cricket League promises not only thrilling matches but also a platform for female cricketers to showcase their skills and inspire the next generation. As the teams gear up for the first clash, the stage is set for a riveting tournament that will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the landscape of women’s cricket in Bangladesh. Stay tuned for updates and witness the unfolding drama of cricket excellence in the heart of Dhaka!

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